Monday, January 26, 2015

Weekly Menu and Weekend Recap

Every Sunday morning I sit down and make a grocery list and menu for the week. Okay well maybe not every Sunday because Sunday brunch trumps menu and meal planning any day! I did make a menu yesterday for this week. Last week we went 5 evening is a row without going out to eat. That is really good for us lately. Now we just need to eat at home more often on the weekends.

Speaking of weekends how about a quick recap of our weekend. Friday we went to Prairie Artisan Ales Brewery for a beer. It was just a laid back relaxing time supporting our local brewery. Blake likes to go and play with his cars while we visit and drink beer. He also likes to talk to his friends that work out at the brewery. This week he met a new friend Ande who was working with his friend Lisa. Okay they aren't actually his friends but he knows they are excited to see him when he goes with us. After the brewery we had a late dinner at Louie's in Jenks. 
Saturday my parents came up to visit for the day and they brought my niece with them. They hung out with Blake while Andrew and I had a day date. We had sushi then went house hunting. The thing is we are always looking for a new house. We know that we want to move but not sure where or when so we look. If we find something that is perfect for us we will buy it now and if not we have about a year left to shop around! After house hunting for a few hours we came back home to visit with my parents before they left. Our friends also came over so mom and dad could see their boys.
Sunday I made my grocery list and our menu for the week. I always ask Andrew if he has any request and this week he requested fire-pot soup. It is new to me but I'm giving it a go. We went to the mall to return a shirt and to buy me a new pair of jeans. I hate jean shopping, let me say that one more time I HATE jean shopping. I found a pair that I liked so we bought them. (Side note, I wore them today and I'm not in love with them. I think I need a smaller size because they stretched out so much within 30 minutes of wearing them. A problem I will deal with tomorrow.) While at the mall our old neighbor texted us with an invite to go bowling at The Dust Bowl. We didn't have anything else going on so we went. That's how we roll often, just doing whatever comes our way. It's fun! We bowled and had a blast. Before going home we went to look at a possible neighborhood to build a house in. I mean if the price of oil would just go back up, we could build or move sooner. Lots of people might complain but it keeps my husband employed so I'm for it. Seriously though people, dropping gas prices aren't good for everyone.
A few photos I snapped from our weekend!

Alright now to get to our menu for the week. I always look at the weather when I plan out our meals. I don't want to eat soup when we are having a really nice 70* day in the middle of winter. This week we are supposed to have 3 nice days today being one of them but the wind is pretty cool still. I use a variety of options when looking for meal ideas and this week after searching the internet for what felt like a long time I went back to my favorite vegan cookbook The Oh She Glows Cookbook. This week we are having

Monday- InstantPot Pork Carnitas 
Recipe can be found here
*I felt like these were lacking in flavor big time. Our favorite jalapeno salsa made them better!*

Tuesday- Vegetable Lo Mein
Recipe here

Wednesday- Broccoli "Cheese" Quinoa Wraps
Oh She Glows (OSG) Cookbook

Thursday- Fire-Pot Soup
Recipe here

Friday- Big Vegan Bowl
Recipe here

Saturday- Veggie Burgers with Warm Roasted Winter Salad
Recipe OSG Cookbook and here

Sunday- Curry (Unless we are watching the superbowl at a house other than our own)
We don't really use a recipe for our curry when we make it. We printed off a menu from a restaurant and put ingredients in based on the kind of curry we pick. Also Andrew is the pro at curry making not me which is the reason we only typically eat it on the weekends!

Do you have a weekly menu? If so I'd love to see what's on it. Also if you have any favorite recipes and want to share let me know. Most of the recipes this week are new to us so I will come back with an update of how we liked or didn't like them. We have had all the OSG recipes before with the exception of the warm roasted winter salad.

Monday has been pretty good to me (with the exception of a complete computer malfunction just minutes ago); I hope it has been good to you as well! 


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