Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Focus on What

I found this somewhere on the internet the other day. I wish that I could remember where and who it came from so that I could give the due credit. I don't, so, whoever made this thank you it is perfectly fitting in life especially right now.

I have sat down to get a new blog post up so many times lately but I just can't. I am at a stand still, it happens. I just can't decide how much I want to share, what I want to share or actually what my focus is anymore. I feel like life is spinning me in one of those loops like on the right side of the picture above. I don't feel like I'm making a loop but actually caught in the loop spinning and waiting to be able to go in a new direction. I'm working on being patient but I'm ready for the trip around this loop to be over. 

Until then just doing my mom thing and loving every minute of it!  

A boy and his dog.

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