The other day my son and I met my husband for lunch. During lunch my husband asked what time it was. I looked at my phone and simply replied 1:00. The look on his face when he looked at his phone and realized that it actually was 12:45 caught me off guard. He called me a "lax time teller" due to my unscheduled days! Ha!
He is right though. There are days that I have things that require me to follow a timed schedule but there are more days that I don't. I can't say I don't enjoy it because I love it! When I first started staying at home my friends asked what I did with myself all day and how I kept from going crazy. I made a schedule for myself I still use this schedule now. I also have added things in for myself and my son. Every day there is a house chore that needs to be done, some days are gym days, every other week we go to the library for story time and we have play dates whenever possible. Here is what our week typically looks like.
Monday- Gym @ 9, Grocery Store if we didn't go Sunday Laundry and Floors Day
Tuesday- Gym @ 9, every other week library @ 11, Bathrooms Day
Wednesday- B to MDO @ 9:30 , I do my long runs, go to yoga, deep clean the entire house, do yard work, grocery shop, shop for fun or just sit on the couch depending on how I feel that day. This week I finished all the laundry, cleaned all the floors (vacuumed, swept, & mopped) made the beds, vacuumed and spot cleaned the couch and mowed the yard! It was a successful day.
Thursday- Gym @ 9, Dust Day, Play Date Day
Friday- Play Date Day, Kitchen Cleaning Day, vacuum
Some things that I do daily are: cook dinner, load/unload dishwasher, wipe down the kitchen after dinner. Do I get everything done every day or even every week, no way but I if I stay on top of it my house doesn't look like a little tornado went through it! My husband helps out with the post dinner kitchen clean up while our little guy plays with his toys or the dog. Typically the boys do bath time together while I either pick up the living room or just relax! Even though our boy is 2 we still make him pick up his own toys every night before bed. We don't always have play dates every week but I like to have them as often as possible. Play dates are good for B and they are good for me to get some adult interaction time! Play dates aren't just for the kids.
We also have art time as many days a week as B wants. We do learning activities mostly through play. I provide him with a lot of different materials to explore and create with. We play with his toys and we play outside. Our at home activities will take up another post on another day because after all we are home more than we are out!
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